
I stand beside, with,
along, along – the verticality
extends above, beneath,
with no end I can see,
an estimation of infinity

I touch the current,
above, behind my shoulder,
reach as for a subway strap,
step back into it, and race
up and down and up
within the current

And now define myself as this,
see that the story
of small unlikely glints of glory,
peaking through a mostly mindless structure,
was never what  defined me

No. This is where I understand
everything about myself –
size and shape and purpose,
sphere of harmony,
ribbon of peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 11, 2023


Beyond the simple counting –
what is desired, what is required –
beyond the march of days,
a quiet call that can’t be masked by anything
wells up within

This is more than the touted reward
for getting all the slots aligned,
this is not something
that comes to you by chance –
what looks like scattered glimmers
is in fact the indication
of a brilliance overwhelming all the tokens

Release manipulations
and line yourself up with this –
the power to power your unspoken hope –
beyond the march of days,
this timeless truth
speaks the infinitude
of what you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 19, 2023


You may be grateful for the many things
kind elders taught you,
you may wish you had wise elders
where you had none

But if you’ve ridden on strong shoulders
or floundered on your own,
you still will meet a challenge
that you face alone

And this is where you’ll learn
to tap the infinite,
this is your moment
to take off and fly.
Everyone must do it,
so we all can –
it is the one, the first and final,
empowerment of man.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 14, 2023

At home

I travel from home
through home,
to home –
all of these places
affirm me

All of these moments join
in the vast collaboration of moments,
like water flowing uphill,
bounding in the joy of it

All of these people,
threads of their path lines
intersecting briefly,
dance out the fountain
of their internal impetus

All of them run on infinity,
all of them fueled
by the hum of connection. All of us prove
with the grace we’ve forgotten to notice,
how we are powered,
how we are home in the whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 15, 2023


We wake up
to find we are born with
a love for everything
that can say “I am” –
with its sensing, with its moving,
with the patterns it reprises
in its living, in its growth

It’s the individuality
of all these things,
and all these people,
that points to the infinity of Love,
big enough to intimately know
each one of us,
warm and bright enough
to fully care.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 29, 2023


In this meeting,
the fountain which comprises me
thrills up. I find my shape
entirely within this flowing –
constant surge and free cascade

All of me voices my satisfaction
at being this outpouring gift,
letting the infinite be
what fills me continually.
All of my being rejoices
to be evidence
of its presence.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 16, 2023


We’ve seen analogies for this –
as a concept, it’s not strange,
but to experience the touch,
the sudden influx of awareness,
the connection with the infinite
that lights us up with power and reveals
the web of which we all are members,
that gives us access to each other
and to all that we aspire to –
that is something much more than electrifying  –
it is understanding, it’s illumination,
it’s fulfillment, it’s identity,
it’s home.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 26, 2023


The main relearning in all of this
is who I am –
many other facts follow:
the presence of the infinite
and how it feeds me,
the way that “me” refocuses
from thing that casts a shadow
to the light between,
so I no longer
deal haplessly in consequences,
but instead
ride the universal chords of now.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 24, 2023


In moments of seclusion, I considered
a life unbound by any secrets,
so not depending
on strings of tension and release for its excitement,
but rather, wedded to the infinite,
cleaving to the swift extending Spirit,
feeling the rush and sparkle  of its fine awareness,
unimagined opening of eyes
in moving
from realms of atmosphere
into the realm of sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 18, 2023

Who you are

This is more important
than anything I could say,
anything I could tell you,
anything you’d hear from me

This will be told to you
by your own being,
all the galaxies of you,
their suns and planets,
the connecting pull between them,
and all the life forms growing in their sphere

They come together in chorus
so intimate within you,
so comprehensive,
you might not even say you hear it.
It will ring in you
as everything you’ve always known.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 18, 2023