
Look inside to find
the things that can’t be crushed
even under pressure  –
they will keep you safe

They emanate infinity  –
they joyfully spring forth,
and nothing can compress,
repress, depress them

They sing like streams through rock,
sing of their source,
which is their substance,
which is what everything is made of –
you, too – yes you,
and all your life
and everyone you love.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 19, 2023


Windows open,
doors open,
thought opens, and with it,

There is no chasm
between desire and its fulfillment,
however much we’ve heard there is,
there’s no obstruction
between Spirit and its action,
between intelligence and its ideas

And therefore
we will see the opening
of all the pathways,
we’ll see them traveled,
we’ll see them thrive,
we’ll see the hoping
rise overflowing
as fondest visions
emerge alive.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 13, 2023

Find it

Take away a layer,
a layer, a layer

Move through a veil,
a veil, a veil

And what you find is more,
not less. In leaving husks behind,
you find the juice, the pulse,
the flavor,
the quickening, the rush,
the reason

It’s not a sacrifice
to give up what hides,
what dulls –
to take up life
in the full flow of desire,
to drink the pure purpose

No need to wait
for false views to erode,
when you can just go in
and find the truth.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 8, 2023

Life stream

Nothing that you have to earn,
this sense of home
courses like a stream that you are one with –
you feel the water
and you are the water,
and every bright imagining,
each leap you take,
your precious contribution
to the river’s song,
what hums in you
and what you sing out,
continues ever timeless,
ever new.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 3, 2023

Behind these things

And if, in a step, in a sync,
in a settling, things come together
where once they were distant

And with an easy tuning,
a chord suddenly rings sweet,
and with an easy leaning in,
we regain balance

Then we may know
that behind all these things,
the steady law of Life, of Love,
pulses constant  – its rhythm
sings us ever home
in harmony and peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 28, 2023


Mortality rattles along
like an old cart.
Wheels may fall off,
or a side, or the bottom
may fall through

And we are asked to think about
where we will take it
before it fails utterly –
if we will trundle on rough roads,
or seek out asphalt, or park ourselves
in some garage

But there are no choices here.
It’s all the same. Mortality lacks
the spirit of what we are,
so it can never satisfy
or even be relevant

Day by day I turn away
from these questions.
Day by day I walk my feet
in steps of freedom.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 21, 2023

Life finds its way

I find myself content with what I am
and what I have, maybe more so
because i didn’t feel it yesterday.

I come back to the dance around me,
back to where the summer air
is enough to stir up joy,
and the bounding growth
of plants under my care
feeds hope

One young buck,
coming by the door at evening,
velvet visible along his antlers,
seemed to show that,
even when it feels improbable,
life finds its way with elegance,
life finds its way for each of us,
gives us each our ways to go and come,
gives us each our elemental home.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 13, 2023

8 in the evening

Before it gets too late,
before my thoughts begin
to fold in on each other,
collapse like wilted greens to where
they’re only fit for serving up in dreams

Before the sun
stops skimming in across the floor,
presenting charming patterns
(and also every piece of fallen hair)
I’ll take this piece of day
and put it here

Robin singing, breeze, now gentle,
through the open door, last sun in the garden
giving its farewell until tomorrow,
summer being kind – bright and not too harsh,
our lives still reaching tendrils
towards their purpose.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 9, 2023