
She closed her eyes
and felt the reassuring hands
hold her in the certainty
of everlasting love

She understood, then,
that she had found the net
held up by noone,
but shared in willingness,
so those who leaned in to it
would be caught up, would feel
the blessing waiting for them there

And when I heard that,
I felt my great desire
to touch in to the network
and to hold it ready,
so anyone who closed their eyes in willingness
to likewise be transported into bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 5, 2023

Hidden Fruit

Let my prayer help still
raging wildfires of the mind,
rising climate of despair,
panic of trappedness

Let us turn to find the fruits
ripening steadily in Spirit,
long hidden by the workings
of frantic misdirection,
and from these moments, harvest courage,
wisdom, kindness, clarity  –
use them to feed ourselves
and heal the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 14, 2021i

My prayer

This is my prayer  –
to see you,
to always see you
and not be fooled
by any of the demons
which claim to have moved in,
which use your voice to shout
and say things
you would never say

This is my prayer  –
to see you
whole and innocent and droll,
affluent and generous,
bright shine of Soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 4, 2021i

Find Me

Come find me –
I’m stuck in this heat
like a fly in honey,
too sticky to move,
to trapped to sleep

Come find me,
move like melting ice,
like flowing water,
remind me why I’m here
and what I live for

Be my Mind, my Spirit,
be my breath, my cool,
soak me as with rain,
and give the land and trees
their needed drink, too.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 3, 2021

Some kind of prayer

This morning, I named as prayer
the moment of waiting
for what I recognize
as the meaning of everything,
the source of my sense of purpose,
the spring of my joy,
to come to mind,
to establish itself
as my illumination,
my balance point,
on which I will weigh everything,
from which I can determine
what I love,
what is true

This morning, first thing,
while I was tending the fire,
I noticed that everyone
must be able to find this –
as sure as everyone has breath,
everyone must have
some kind of prayer.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 13, 2021


I start first with the traffic
in my mind
“to bless and not condemn ” –
Thoughts pass by quickly,
they arc and settle in the places
they have gone before  –
I have to pull them out
and see what object they have held
and if they blessed or they condemned.
If they need correcting
I have to do it

There is plenty of traffic.
(“to love and not judge “)
– the judgment being so dismissive,
requiring no more thought  –
as neatly tied and closed
as a politician’s speech,
so easy to write off.
While loving – that’s a far deeper engagement,
which, if I’ve done truly,
will stay with me

“To heal and not pass by” –
There is no neutral ground  –
despite my arsenal of reasons
not to offer aid.
There’s only one answer
that engages what I am
and what I’m here for –
There’s no real option
to turn away.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 12, 2021

Thanks to Ross Safronoff for quoted text


If I wanted to save someone  –
anyone  –
though I didn’t know them,
though I wished them well,
just in a general sense –
if I wanted to be of help somehow

Perhaps there’s a practice –
enlarging my tent –
in which I recognize
the core of power
present in everyone,
and how fervently
that core loves truth,
and how it is so nourished
by its own integrity
that no other proposition
affords temptation

How it doesn’t take a movement,
but just for that core
to rise up
in any heart, in any life,
and we will see corruption fall
like lightening from heaven,
collapse to nothingness,
and so many who were bound
will step free.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 29, 2021

My Flight

If birds pray by flying ….
I don’t know they do
but I know I would,
my wings receiving
the subtle currents of the air,
my whole self resting in its cushion,
the lift revealed, the vistas swift unfolding,
my pinions understanding

Yes, I would fly, and let my flight be prayer,
I would pray, and let my prayer be art.
Let me ride the winds of exaltation
wherever you may want me to explore.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 10, 2020


I make my way by induction,
as by candle light, long before dawn —

I look, first, for the first reason —
why you would even open your eyes,
why you would care,
why you would rise

I see you couldn’t be there
without the spark, you would be nothing
without desire

And if the spark is present,
it must really be the only thing —
it wouldn’t let itself
be mostly snuffed out

It wouldn’t let itself be used
to power anything unlike itself —
to power dread or burden,
or soul deadening requirements

If the spark is here
then it will dictate joy —
joy, and strength, and vigor —
it will spread the whole day
with sweet harmony,
for so it is, by nature

And if this is what’s here,
I’ll see it. Gently,
modest as the dawn,
radiant as day. I’ll recognize it
in every light that shows the way.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 4, 2019

This Morning

I looked out the window
and thought of how the names
of colors (or lack of names)
affect the way we see,
and prayer and fasting
and what it means to believe

I tended the fire
and drank my tea
and considered what it means
to lose all faith in death,
and what life is
if it’s not temporal

Outside the ravens
were droll and musical,
the cat was eager for my lap,
and if I’m able to cast out demons,
I’m also willing. I take that with me
into my day.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 21, 2019