
As easy as a yawn,
as easy as a comfy chair
with plenty of light,
as easy as a conversation
with memories and things to do with hands,
the afternoon and evening settled in

It has been an easy landing
from the place we had to leave,
and easy place to stay inside,
since we have to

We can call it a cocoon for now,
we can get ready
for the time, coming so soon,
to jump back in. 

©Wendy Mulhern
September 13, 2020

Evening at the Laundromat

I liked my shadow
walking in front of me
carrying a pail,
wearing a long dress,
long hair loose, blowing in the wind

I liked the late afternoon,
still hot, but rendered pleasant
by our recent swim

I like the sounds of the night –
the crickets there, the traffic here in town –
Life’s subtle adventure
humming behind it all.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 2, 2020


The washing machine
knows better than you
how much soap to dispense
and what heat and soap and time it takes
to wash your jeans

Why should you bother
to learn these things
when the washing machine
can do it for you?

Of course its little
electronic brain
can also fry,
which is why we recommend
the extended five year warranty,
because you can’t be expected
to fix these things yourself.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 25, 2020

Rain and Fire

A day of rain and fire,
tending trees and tending hearth,
learning of needs, and learning of power,
and the long journey
in which one can clasp the hand of the other
if briefly, as promise of a partnership further on

It is a day to see the field of daisies as a forest,
immeasurably long to trek through
yet coming to the end
sooner than I might think.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 30, 2020

photo by Edward Mulhern


Morning has its faithfulness,
and even before dawn
as the gibbous moon still shines,
the turkeys are set off
by any other sound — the geese,
another flock of turkeys,
tiny songbirds, the occasional duck

Even before dawn
cars and trucks are trundling
down Marcola road along the river

We are up earlier
than our rustic lives would order,
preparing for errands in town
and to get back to planting
before the rain.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 13, 2020

Feet Feels

My feet suddenly remember
how they tingle in damp grass —
my toes stretch and grasp the feeling
and I consider
taking off my socks and going out

It is as they remember —
a little colder, maybe,
and the grass bends flatter underfoot.
There are fir cones in the grass,
small birds trilling from afar,
and soft socks to return to
in the house.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 22, 2020

A lesser day

Before the day devolves
to winter evening’s sodden dark,
before the sun withdraws
and dusk and rain take over,
let its singularity and freshness make their mark,
let me take in all they have to offer

And let me not forget
the simple happiness
of a place to be,
a place with warmth,
a place with windows,
a place with everything I need

Though unmomentous,
this is not a lesser day,
though unpretentious,
it is still enough.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 26, 2020

Always an option

Today I thought about how
silence could be an option
in the early fading away
of light from the windows,
in the random lamplit reading
of books most often looked at but untouched
upon my shelves — basketry, house design,
Anglo-Welsh poetry, mushrooms —

I could stay silent
for this, another night like any,
not try to add any insights to the world
(as if that were what I do anyway)

I could have stayed silent,
but then there was this.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 10, 2020

I don’t know

We watched the water change.
No sun to set, but gray and russet
tones darkened, something less than wind
ruffled the water, pleating the reflections,
bringing the lighter and the darker
lines across the surface

I don’t know where to put this,
you said. I don’t know where
to put anything,
not here, not anywhere.
I don’t know why I’m crying.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 3, 2020