Hunger and Wildness

In a defiance you couldn’t help,
you threw off the regimens,
the measured judgments, all the ways
you could be counted,
all the things you counted
as what might count or not count
in how you measure up

In a defiance that came of
being much bigger
than those judgments could hold –
infinite, actually  –
you expanded beyond all boundaries,
embodying the humming
of the universe

There’s no parsing of this,
no point in even bringing it
to the counting table.
What you shine back
will not be counted in the old coin,
but everyone will feel its touch.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 8, 2021


Who am I
if I am not my words,
nor yet my attitude,
if I am not my context
or the things I’ve thought and done,
what’s happened to me …?

Who are you
if you are not
behaviors I observe,
or ways you interact
or things you do?

I take the thought of you,
of me, of all of us –
I try to move it deeper  –
to that which sparks us awake,
what ties us with a lifeline
to the infinite.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 30, 2021

In the order of things

I’ve given up the fear
of things going wrong on the inside,
now that I have glimpsed
how deep the mind force goes,
how there is no scale
at which it abdicates its power
and leaves a role for mindlessness

Electrons hum in harmony
and systems for which they are suns
hum,.too. Who am I to think
the song could pixelate, or end,
who am I to doubt
the care with which I’m held –

Who am I,  after all,
in the order of Infinity?
– where my presence is the basis
for my trust.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 25, 2020

Here and Now

Little soul, don’t feel too sorry
for the time you slept,
the years in which you missed
doing things you loved
because you thought you could be
good at things, without doing them

Don’t be too sorry
for the things you missed
from ignorance, or from miseducation

You live in infinity,
and time you spent asleep
means nothing.  As ever,
you are free to be resplendent
here and now.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 12, 2020


In many moments
that are like light between the trees,
that are like colors
across the evening sky,
I see my life is so much more
than what I thought

It can’t be limited by space or time –
it spills out of the sides
of any constructs, it stretches out
in comprehension
of something bigger than the realm of stars –
as comprehensive, finally, as “our”,
as big as hope, enduring as desire.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 24, 2020

The Calculus of Infinity

The calculus of infinity
reveals the scope of blessing
prepared for you and me
right here, right now

No relativity of merit,
no struggle to be worthy,
no need to earn, no need
to learn the way to make things better

No need to even calculate
if it was you or I
Who occasioned the smooth running
of communication, whose wisdom
brought the harmony we feel

This presence of the infinite
determines everything, occasions
the overflow of bliss, of brightness,
that we hardly dare to hope for
but which always has been ours –
the largess of infinity
right here, right now.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 18, 2020


It may look like death
when someone breaks through the skin
of the world, of the dream —
they may seem to fall out of it
and others may mourn

It’s only when you look closely
at the hole they made,
when, for a moment,
you see the light streaming in,
you might get the inkling
there’s something beyond this shell,
you might start trying
to learn what it is.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 14, 2019

Life Power

In the dream, the little girl
pulled the shining life jewels
right out of the air,
and when others scrambled for them,
reaching out in desperation
for the ones that pulsed with power,
she seemed surprised. “It’s right here,”
she said. She opened up her hand
and pulled out more

On waking, and in latter days,
I find that what she said is true —
It’s right here — infinity of life power
waiting to be pulled out from the air,
waiting to be lived.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 18, 2019

Feel This

Sweet child, feel this:
your source that holds you —
the depth and richness
of what it always offers

This well of sustenance
is your pleasure to pour forth,
in infinite, sparkling refreshment.
Nothing can hold your essence back,
nothing can stifle or wilt it

Dear one, in this
you are never alone,
and the path always opens before you,
bright as a river course,
full as this moment,
gathering others
to dance in its bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 10, 2019

Life Size

I’d come to think of my life as small —
small circles, small desire,
small prospects, small needs,
and it felt truer, certainly, than
how I used to wave my hand,
and utter grand plans,
and watch, with something less than confidence,
for some great wave to come along
and bear me up to what I felt
was a deserving height

I recognize that humbleness
is both the starting point
and the essential stance
for riding on the arc of being.
I notice, too, that service to infinity
does not make me small

And so, though I don’t know
what it is for, or how it will work out,
I now am willing
to enlarge my tent.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 9, 2019