Cleaning out closets

You can fill your head with
boxes, with sheets and blankets
pulled from shelves, and musty things
that skulked around for years

You can fill your mind with tasks —
they hum along in orderly succession,
they stretch to fill the whole allotted space,
they are important, and they give
a sense of usefulness, efficiency —
they have a certain paper satisfaction

But where is the poem in all this?
Where are the gaps, the permeable surfaces
to put down roots,
draw up the crosswise meaning?

It’s here, apparently,
though yesterday I couldn’t find it —
after I stopped, I could see it —
the rhythm, the breath of it,
the why.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 2, 2019

The closest thing to a night without a poem

Days like this
it’s a good thing
it’s not up to me
to keep myself going

I would shrivel up, no doubt,
or wander aimlessly
toward the next thing
to put in my mouth,
would stumble around
from armchair to couch

I would be hopeless according to
all standards of achievement.
But here is the marvel:
it’s not up to me. And here
is the moral: there’s no need
to hound myself (or anyone).
Our presence and goodness
are assured. Just not by us.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 24, 2019

A Word of Advice

If you’re too tired to find your daily poem,
don’t stay up late to read a novel —
its world will trespass on your dreams,
displace you from your peaceful center

Beware the morning, then, whose overcast
may not pierce through the web that spun you in —
you’ll sit in stupor trying to remember
what gives your life its lift, how to begin …

But if you find yourself in this condition,
it’s folly to succumb to doleful doubt —
you have an easy, obvious solution —
even a silly poem can pull you out.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 19, 2018

Crisis at the Poem Front

Yesterday I thought
What if I stopped?
What if I just didn’t
write any more poems?

Why do I do this?
Who do I do it for?
What if, finally, after
almost seven years,
I’ve run out of juice?

What if, in fact,
I ran out some time ago
and the words have just been
limping along, because they’re
used to it, and don’t really know
what else to do?

So I considered
the release of not needing
to find my daily poem,
at least, not needing to
because of some agreement
that I made

I think the words
would miss each other
if they didn’t come together.
I think I would miss them
if they were gone.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 19, 2017

One Daily Poem Under the Wire

Midnight threatens
to overcome the day —
I can keep working
up to its threshold
but it will be tomorrow then
and what I accomplish
will no longer add to
today’s to dos’ ta-dahs

No matter. My life cares little
about calendars these days.
I have to think hard sometimes
about what day it is.
Just me and the rhythms
of someone who’s left time behind
and the progress that scribbles
bright and rushing
outside all the lines.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 4, 2017

Fridge Poetry

It seemed hard to find a poem today, my hours having been dusted with sorting, discarding, packing; my mind pursuing something as yet too arcane to fit into a poem; my body having its own issues. But one boon to the sorting was finding, again, a little booklet in which I recorded the poetry found on the fridge, courtesy of several collections of magnetic words. It seems appropriate to share (each clump is its own poem):

from which deep music
is this delirious joy
like skin whispers
I only ask
that I may feel

mother goddess
water color
I will soar free
shake time
sing life
in forest sky language

swim a thousand storms
why not live
sweet surreal rain music
springs here

moon be still
nude petals shine deeply
next to my feet
all there is
is here

luscious music
sweet to create
best two play

angel please
as always
color my every vision

smoke will make a masterpiece
under fast water
falling sculpture
a wild moment of
surreal grace

essential rock
shake free of time
wanting a thousand springs
only ask an eternity together

why not live
behind the rain
music above
purple wood near
song beneath
swim soaring
over the day

life’s blue whispers
from which I rose in sky
always feel gifted

Wendy Mulhern (and maybe some others)
sometime before and including October 2007

Seeking my Daily Poem

Rhythms from people’s words
float through my drifting thought,
cadences of voices
with all the meaning
transmuted into something
that will be dreams later,
after I give up
my hold on the day

Night wants to claim me,
my eyes feel
this is a good idea.
I’m holding out for inspiration
but maybe it’s here.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 18, 2017

The Right Question


I will ask the right question
in the gentle morning
when dreams have run their course
and been forgotten
and dawn has sent its scouts ahead
and will come later

As surely as the rolling earth
will always keep a face beholding sun
I will ask the right question
and hear its true response.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 20, 2015


flying sky

I search for inspiration
and see the bright image squiggle,
naked as a sunbeam,
upward and out of grasp

except my mind
is its medium,
so it can’t escape —
it can only
open out my sight
to where I see it
blending like heat rising,
releasing its radiance
into a greater shimmer,
bringing me there with it,
breathing the broad freedom
of communion.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 23, 2015