
You talk about healing.
I want you to know
that I will not accept as healing
that which insists that I stuff my rage,
be polite about my pain,
and sets me on a postage stamp of
“seeing the good,”
a narrow strip of positive

To be whole, I need a truth so large
it swallows my complaint,
wraps up everything I am
in its embrace,
silences my howling
in the full-home chord
of welcome,
has space enough for all of me to soar.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 13, 2022

2 thoughts on “Healing

  1. Oh Wendy, this is very deep and powerful. I am into a gigantic healing process. While there is a medical diagnosis– the aspects of healing from non-medical people include healing emotional wounds, forgiving and other things which I do not yet know– regrets? Thank you for this.
    Might I copy it on my caring bridge journal- definitely giving you credit/ Cathy Geier

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