
We’ve seen analogies for this –
as a concept, it’s not strange,
but to experience the touch,
the sudden influx of awareness,
the connection with the infinite
that lights us up with power and reveals
the web of which we all are members,
that gives us access to each other
and to all that we aspire to –
that is something much more than electrifying  –
it is understanding, it’s illumination,
it’s fulfillment, it’s identity,
it’s home.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 26, 2023


In spring there is no thought
of being trapped in winter’s guarding case –
attention, rather, focuses
on rising sap, where energy can stretch,
on what was promised
in the fall, and put to sleep,
and now awakens,
discovering its form, its destiny,
its place in time, the season of its place,
and what was sheathed unfurls
in unencumbered grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 10, 2023


WendyEdward at Holly's

It had nothing to do
with what we were striving for
and maybe even less
with what we achieved

It came up beside us
while we were running,
It was there while we celebrated,
while we gathered in our earnings
and our winnings
But it didn’t reside in them

People who have time to,
speculate about the sources —
put forth their formulas —
what is required to find happiness

They may be astonished
at the vast disagreements,
how incomprehensible others are
with what they espouse and reject

But the fulfillment
isn’t in any of those —
It rises from our being
as much a part of us
as our breath.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 26, 2015

(photo by Susanne Weiss)

In the volume of the book it is written of me


Sacrifices and offering hast thou not required,
but a body hast thou given me

Lo, I come —
Here I am,
delivered, finally
to this purpose
of living love

For which I’ll need
all the ever present angels
to ride with me,
to guide me,
to let me know
in a way that I can feel it
that I am loved,
that I am not alone

But even if I were alone,
this path is too compelling
to abandon —
My strides bear me upward
to new vistas.
I start to remember flying.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 16, 2014

Photo by Heather Mulhern