Structure of Life

Considering structure,
the lock and the brace of it,
over and under,
the link and the lace of it,
eager connection, reciprocal, strong,
stretch and contraction,
heart of the song


There is nothing mindless here –
within this temple, it all comes clear –
in taut tensility appears
a firm support, the space to care


So interlocked, this life extends
through inner and through outer
realms of space –
the loving structure that allows
the soft and still points,
steadfast protection that gives rise to grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 10, 2023


The wings set down in slow motion,
the beat, the beat, the fold,
the shift from flight to stationary balance,
a daily sight, a wonder to behold

And may the wings of my great aspiration
stretch out from stillness in the morning air
to gather wind beneath them and pump higher,
and take my wonder with them everywhere.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 28, 2023

Angelic Light

Foggy morning, cobwebs in my heart,
in day’s dim dawn, my world felt pulled apart,
the threads were broken, all my prospects frayed,
my hope was shrouded and my colors grayed

Then came the message,
clear across the night –
you were made to shine angelic light –
whatever entropy has stultified your dreams
can just be dust, can seep out at the seams

You never were that construct,
stitched of story, stuffed with fear,
all this time, you have been holy,
all this time, your purpose clear

This is your color
and it will shine on through –
angelic light, the quality of you.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 6, 2022

Daily grace

There is an art to this, a balance,
like stepping onto a thing that flies –
in your exhilaration, to still keep steady,
to get yourself up on a plane
and whoop across the waves

There is an art to this, a balance,
but the principle is steady,
so if you fall, you can regroup –
all the forces will still be there
to catch you up again
when you are ready

And grace, it seems,
is like the wind, and also
like your wings that catch it –
you ride the moment
right through the gusts of it,
whoop in mounting joy
across the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 29, 2022

The gift of failed biscuits

… was stepping through long grass and clover,
failing to keep my socks dry,
till the rapid curve of the hill,
where I tossed each biscuit
on its short and tumbling arc
while late sun graced daisies and seed heads
in moments when cloud veils lifted,
and the house on its perch on the hill
exuded welcome.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 17, 2022


Today has been graceful,
its revelations gentle,
its tasks supportive of the higher learning
to which I’m called

I’m called to bring my efforts to the altar
and leave them there, for after all,
what use are they to me,
except I offer them?
And what can I receive
but what was made to fit me
by that same all good
with which I leave my gifts?

©Wendy Mulhern
June 16, 2022

A kind of happy

rejoicing in the many ways
to revel in the grace of days

The way it feels to walk the land,
which, even in the mist and rain,
enchants, the way you saw me there
and how it made you happy,
and how you came across the grass to tell me

The things we think we need to do
shift and settle. We release the sense
of all we should have done by now.
Outside, the scene glides into darkness,
the fire’s reflection occupies the window.
We know no more now
than we knew this morning,
but perhaps we can allow ourselves
to be at peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 25, 2022