
Things unravel
that were never fiber,
that turn out not to have
even the substance of thread
or the chain of a story

They dissolve like dreams in the morning,
and my footing, too, must realign itself
to day’s dimensions, to gravity’s

Every unraveling is a reveal –
that which is there after it’s gone
will teach us substance.
Our being there after it’s gone
shows us our place.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 6, 2022

Free Fall

Any of these floors
can drop away —
no one is more solid
than any others.

The graceful thing appears to be to fall
rather than casting about
for a better place to stand

In fact this knowing
of where I may fall through
may be a blessing —
sometimes the free fall
is the best way to remember
the depth of being.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 10, 2018