
It’s not surprising
to eagerly await the singularity,
because the way we have been going
has to change. It hasn’t managed
to solve anything, or even give
a plausible reason
for wanting to be

Yet that desire, which, even still,
cannot be quenched
(by boredom, or oppression,
or senseless self destruction)
– that desire demands a matrix
in which it thrives

It will provide it,
made of its own essence, and consistent
with the web that ties
all these things together,
the Mind that thinks them,
the Love that calls them forth.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 5, 2023


I would rather be gathered,
rather be one of many small charges,
all of us nestlings, all of us nestling
into the care of benevolence,
under the soft wings of Love

I would rather be gathered
than strut with opinions
out where my flaws in accounting
will flatten me,
all calculations amok

I would rather be gathered
and feel the companionship,
brothers and sisters all settled in, too –
learning together the depth of Love’s bounty,
harmonies layered and true.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 30, 2023

On grasping something true

Little laughs begin to form
like bubbles deep within –
they find their dazzling ascent
through the medium,
they lighten it throughout  –
so many of them rising all at once –
and when they surface
they may only look like a smile,
but I think it will be one
that will make you feel good,
I think this is one you will like.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 12, 2023


It’s OK for one day to roll into another,
for things left undone to be taken up tomorrow,
for flagrant falling off
of regimented timelines

It’s OK to fall into the joy
of being loved,  of being
one for whom the world is made,
one who can do no wrong,
and having no wrong bone
in my body

This is a reason to let things go,
for it is finally
the only reason we are here.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 7, 2023


The plane rolls in, the door opens,
a woman’s hair blows out like a flag


Each in the still point of our thoughts,
we plumb surrender, structure, sovereignty,
we share our common threads,
their startling similarity


Rain gathers around us,
bringing us along,
closing us into our dome
as we flow down the road
toward home


Gratitude flashes iridescent
like hummingbird feathers,
multiplies between us,
fills the room
like warming fire.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 13, 2023

Reflections on a song

Who wouldn’t like to know
their song has been
like this one is for me –
profound experience of coming home

The well known journey language
of the music scale,
used simply, but with a reaching honesty
that finds the deep tones
supporting high, sweet shifting harmony
to tenderly induce in me
this longing, this relief,
this gratitude, this peace

We ply our art, we let it go
out in the world – we never know
if someone, somewhere,
has found that it transports them
to some inner chamber
or some wide, wild view

I will fill my world
with the lights of others,
I will use them to understand
the way we’re knit together,
the way each of our gifts
can multiply collective bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 23, 2023

No shadow

No shadow is cast
upon that which glows
with the light which is given
to every thought of it,
every one of its conceptions

No shadow can cut across
the fact of love, known from within
as the only cause of being,
a care so infinite,
it wouldn’t let any state be a mere reaction 

Every mote of consciousness
is love, is loved,
is caused alone by Love,
and so the whole of it
is ever free.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 19, 2023

Thought picture

If I could put this picture
into your mind, if I could have you
feel the way it feels,
if I could draw the links to show
the concept that it illustrates,
maybe I could fully grasp it, too

And so I seek
the language that doesn’t hinge on words,
that doesn’t need the fraught traverse
from my thoughtscape
to some guessed construct
that I have of yours

Instead, this language holds your heart
as something infinitely dear,
and offers it a hearth
and traces what it longs to hear,
and lets you feel the welcome
that all home is made of,
and your heart will draw the picture,
absolutely clear.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 11, 2023


We welcome what sweeps through us
and makes us new,
we welcome sun, we welcome rain,
we welcome stars that show up briefly
at five a.m., and clouds the hills snag,
while they’re blowing through

We call it life
for being so much more than we can fathom,
we call it love for how it makes us
glad we’re here.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 28, 2023


I know there’s so much more to consciousness
than what I use each day …
If I could meet you
on some one of these other planes,
if we could converse,
perhaps by taste,
perhaps by sending some essence
through each other’s systems
(which would be like talking,
just in another mode)
what you could let me know
would still be part of the great knowing
we all have access to anyway,
but something unique about your spark
would give me the same elation
as if you were
more conventionally

©Wendy Mulhern
January 9, 2023