
Once again,  it’s obvious
I can’t hold this up on my own,
can’t hold the line against
the booming voice of doom

But that’s alright,
for I don’t have to.
You hold me up,
and everything pertaining to me.
I can wake to see
what you have prepared,
how you so comprehensively
hold us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 23, 2023


In this meeting,
the fountain which comprises me
thrills up. I find my shape
entirely within this flowing –
constant surge and free cascade

All of me voices my satisfaction
at being this outpouring gift,
letting the infinite be
what fills me continually.
All of my being rejoices
to be evidence
of its presence.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 16, 2023

Sight shift

Your presence compels my steady attention.
I take a half step back from myself
to align with the sensing
of what you are,
this cause of me, this Principle,
that which my full being must express,
here for me with all its surging prospects

I notice the iridescence
at the name of you, the name of me,
the place where what I am
is wholly redefined by you,
who, after all, defined me in the first place.

I need to learn to keep this promise,
to keep on knowing you,
knowing myself, this way.
I need to stay with you
and know you with me, too.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 10, 2023

Show me

Show me how the laws of physics
are just a subset of the law of Love,
and, as such, cannot run counter
to infinitude of care

Show me how the fact that we are treasured
overcomes the story of our being left
alone and fragile in a world of danger,
consigned to struggle or to sink bereft

Show me that this isn’t an illusion,
a myth for privileged and strong young men  –
show me how it works with full inclusion,
so we can claim our heaven home again.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 13, 2023

Not God

What a relief to know
I am not God
(and neither are you)

I don’t need to hold
all these things in order,
don’t need to solve any looming hard problems,
don’t need to do what I can’t do,
can’t fail

What a relief to know
none of us people are God.
None of us need to be feared or bowed down to,
none of us need be afraid

No one has power to hold things in order,
no one has power to make things go wrong,
all of the beauty we live is protected  –
we have been safe all along.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 25, 2023

No shadow

No shadow is cast
upon that which glows
with the light which is given
to every thought of it,
every one of its conceptions

No shadow can cut across
the fact of love, known from within
as the only cause of being,
a care so infinite,
it wouldn’t let any state be a mere reaction 

Every mote of consciousness
is love, is loved,
is caused alone by Love,
and so the whole of it
is ever free.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 19, 2023

Proof of God

You may be sovereign
but you are not alone

This is the miracle of it –
how you’re equipped to love

Which shows there is relationship,
and in the spark connecting us,
there is the joy that makes us want to be,
there is the joy that makes us multiply

It’s simple, really –
follow your desire back –
you’ll see that you’re not meant to be alone,
and also that you’re not.
Companionship reveals the fact of God.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 9, 2022

On this day

In the morning, I felt reflective
on the constructs I have held up,
and held dear, then shed like clothes,
like skin

Later, I felt connected
with the source of everything,
I felt embodiment
like a forming crest, like cambium

And now, well after dark,
after this long summer day,
well past my bedtime,
I feel ready to be led,
like a lamb, like a child,
to a more constant praxis
of my Truth.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 15, 2022

The One whose I am

It wasn’t enough to know
my chains were self imposed,
as I fumbled through the keys and locks,
ever more heavy

The sweet release revealed
I have no power to impose chains.
The Principle to which my being moves,
of which I am the proof,
does not allow such folly

What freedom to admit
I am not my own!
What a relief to know
the One whose I am
is kind.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 19, 2022

In conversation about God

No need to postulate a puppeteer
pulling strings to move things to his will

You could as well consider
the element of goodness
present in every particle,
lifting each in its own buoyancy of joy,
none of them orchestrated,
none moved by some external will

But each in the imperative of essence
exercising that which goodness does,
joining and celebrating, lifting the collective
through being what it most desires to be.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 1, 2022