Three of swords

It’s no surprise to me actually
that my life look like this
from the outside,
such that a card could call it.
It has been my inside secret,
it has been my cross,
it has been the nature of my search
these past years,
my solitary travel

And why should I not expect
it to continue
till I reach its end,
till I learn what meets it,
what heals its wounds?

©Wendy Mulhern
January 16, 2022



“none might buy or sell, save they that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”

In this time of
the mark of the beast
we find hope
in the brightening
of simultaneous paths
appearing under our feet
and guiding us in ways
where none of us is marred
by trademarks, brands,
where we can see each other
not as types, but whole,
unique in what propels us
and the arcs of our circles,
unpredicted and surprising
in each moment
of the steady sweet exchange
that fills our souls.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 23, 2014

“I will gather them”

twin ponds tree1lomo

The internal call is promised —
There is no one it will not reach.
They will be called from within
by their own truth,
by the imperative of their life,
by the enduring fervency
of their love

They will not stay scattered,
each one thinking
what they are is not enough,
that it’s too much to ask
for their gift to be valued
to the point of being able to sustain

They will no longer close off hope
as if it were a wound,
won’t lose themselves
in efforts to conform

They will be gathered
by the radiance
of everything they are.
It will lead them to the circle
where all the light is magnified
and they are celebrated,
and nothing will be wasted,
and there’s ample room for everyone inside.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 28, 2014