Connect the dots

The cohesive scatter of the stars,
the elegant tangle of grasses and forbs
in the eager tumble of spring,
the spray of colors across the fields,
red and purple seed heads,
silver sunlit shafts glinting
in the waves of wind

If you can see this,
and can connect the dots of wonder,
it can shake you out of doubt
to reconsider –
aren’t you, too, held
in the same expansive order
that flings light across the day
and stars across the sky?

©Wendy Mulhern
May 22, 2022

Tree Talk

You talk to the trees at night
and their silence  – maybe it speaks to you  –
maybe their response  –
of presence without words –
is in the language you are searching for –
something that won’t get caught
in the filters of the mind,
that will go right through
to where you’ve been waiting
all this time –
waiting to hear the deep tall message
that recognizes your soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 6, 2021


Each of you,
alone with your soul,
is doing a mighty work

There is no referent of comparison,
no one’s soul against which
you can hold your own
to take a measure

You are alone with your soul.
And what blooms in you –
particular concoction
of what you came from
and what you brought to it –
will always be as much a wonder
to yourself as to the others
who see it shine forth

You are companioned,
but that companionship is deeper
than the sum or product
of everyone you know

You are loved
before you even step out,
loved as you are,
alone with your soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 25, 2020

I take my shoes off

Once again, I settle in to Soul,
the home that dwells in every moment
waiting to support, affirm,
waiting to release me

I take my shoes off.
I breathe deep. No longer
out of breath from sweating,
I can find the rhythm
of the full cycle. No longer pinned
under conflicting propositions,
I feel myself float. I let myself expand

It’s so freeing to remember
I am not enslaved. I owe no consequence,
have no indebtedness,
no fear, no shame —
my life is here in Soul,
and Soul knows my name.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28, 2019


cirrus at Weaver Lane

Your soul each morning
walks out open,
arms spread, ready as a kite
to catch the updraft of being,
to soar and scud, to dive and dance
along the upward currents,
to rise and rise,
even as your gifts flow
out and around,
to let the impulse multiply
and come back through again,
ever cycling, ever linked
by mutual nourishment
to other cycles,
other life forms rising and releasing,
all of us emerging as a whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 21, 2016