Reading for much of the day

I tried to pull myself away
from images from someone else’s life,
considered if another night
of dreams not quite my own
was in store for me

In the end, the tendency
to hang my life like laundry,
to scrutinize it in the light of others’ stories
is nothing that can help me

We will all meet up together
on the deeper plane
far more important
than the holes and stains
in my shirts or in my narrative  –
this source we share
that lets us recognize each other,
this source that lets us recognize ourselves.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28,  2021


Every lovely thing must learn its source.
Reflections may become choppy,
light deflected and dispersed,
connections may be missing,
purpose lost,
and evidence of essence may seem dim

No loveliness is lovely on its own,
no truth is isolated,
the yearning for more light leads each one home
to where the precious essence is renewed

No mirror can sustain itself as sun,
nor can it be deprived of its desire,
the source awaits for everyone to turn
to find the shine that lights their inner fire.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 16, 2021


We pick ourselves up,
we bumble forward.
There is little to be gained
by second-guessing

But much is gained
by reassessing
what we are here for,
what powers our days

Let’s have no more irreverence
where reverence is due,
no more complaining,
no dogged powering through,
more cheerful patience,
more open gratitude,
and all in all,
more closeness to our source.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 24, 2021

This Trust

I will walk with you
in the trust that can’t be broken,
with faith in the elemental
nature of our being

You may ask, why are we here?
But in that question are assumptions
about both we and here –

Step behind those
and find the answer,
not defined in the channel
down which, river-like,
we tumble and cascade,
but in the source,
unfailing, pure, and infinite,
that sends us out,
that pours us forth.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 11, 2020

Cause and Effect

I let myself tune in to
the stillness inherent
in being everywhere,
the power inherent
in being all that is,
the fullness of the satisfaction
of having nothing but the All
be my powering source,
be my cause, be my information,
be my identity,
be my reward

I’m ushered into
the potent hush
that can be anywhere
with no trajectory,
in which I wait
forever, but with no delay,
no hesitation, no lurch, no pause,
and live the sweet unfolding
of Life’s eternal law.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 24, 2019


Before you go to sleep,
before you slip
into the sweet kaleidoscope
that mirrors and recombines
all you saw and felt
throughout the day

Before you turn out lights
and leave the moon
to its bright vigil
through the night

Before releasing your thoughts
like doves
to fly to their home roosts

Remember what you are
and how it guides you
through your dreams
as well as through your day.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 15, 2019

The Eye of the One

We come out of our cubicles,
out of our discrete and one-toned sparkles,
out of our dispersal into many,
back to the eye of the One

We may spread out across the surface,
we may refract, we may go deep,
we may be graced with different reflections,
but we still hail from
the same light source
and holographically contain the whole

And so we see we are not strangers —
could not be, could not have ever been —
in this we’ll know as we’ve been ever known,
in this we’ll see as we are seen.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 1, 2018