
Look inside to find
the things that can’t be crushed
even under pressure  –
they will keep you safe

They emanate infinity  –
they joyfully spring forth,
and nothing can compress,
repress, depress them

They sing like streams through rock,
sing of their source,
which is their substance,
which is what everything is made of –
you, too – yes you,
and all your life
and everyone you love.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 19, 2023

Hidden Fruit

Let my prayer help still
raging wildfires of the mind,
rising climate of despair,
panic of trappedness

Let us turn to find the fruits
ripening steadily in Spirit,
long hidden by the workings
of frantic misdirection,
and from these moments, harvest courage,
wisdom, kindness, clarity  –
use them to feed ourselves
and heal the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 14, 2021i

Truth Stands Up

In my mind I fill you up with truth  –
I see the rare surge of its pull,
great burst of aliveness
from catching hold of it,
letting it zing you to the core

You’ll be back
because you need this
more than anything,
you sense that it will take you
to all you’ve ever wanted
(which is true)
and it releases you
from all the pincers that would hold you trapped
in endless ugly mazes of conditions

In my mind I seek to recognize
that truth is everywhere
and so you must be filled with it –
no room for anything like rationalization,
no room for being forced, for being cowed,
for being frightened  –
truth stands up in you,
and you will gladly serve it,
truth stands up in you
and you are free.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 29, 2021

What’s asked of me

I’m asked to have courage,
and so I ask for courage.
I’m told it’s up to me
to do my work

It’s not a hard thing I am asked,
but it’s essential –
to stand true in my faith,
to not be swayed by signs and stories
telling me of failure,
to look to my good for the evidence
of what my life is made of

I am asked to be strong,
but not with a strength I have to fabricate,
I’m asked to be true –
true to the source of my being.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 29, 2020

Possessing the Land

I will go up and possess this land,
I will not worry,
I will not be made to feel
like we are grasshoppers,
easy to crush by forces fierce and daunting

What I may be
in my own esteem
has no bearing at all
on prospects of success

The key is that I reckon
the source and will
that moves me
even as it moves everything

The key is that I go forth,
trusting and eager,
taking the steps with confidence
that, as long as I move forward,
I will be guided.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 29, 2019

A Lightening

I sense now, in many,
a learning to yearn
for a freedom of being
that lives beyond fear,
leaning into their hope
and their imagination
for the wide open space
where their essence
is unassailable,
thus lightening the field,
allowing room, here, for more people,
if not in the certainty of believing,
still in the place of admitting:
this is something that I want,
this is something that I am.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 8, 2019

When we know

In this time of shadows,
how shall we measure progress?
the competing accounts
of cause and effect
point to different courses,
different outcomes. And the lack
of referents obscures the sense
of if we’re even moving
and whether winds are stronger
or the currents

So we do what we do
in this moment, what seems right,
and we wait, without being able
to say what we’re waiting for,
only knowing
that when we know, we’ll know.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 27, 2018

News Flash

We are not passengers —
we are the horse

We are the ones running
and each of us can feel
the surprise touch,
each of us can be awakened
from our sense of waiting
for someone else to do the miracle
so we can cheer

We already are the miracle,
we already are the shining
of Love’s children —
look at us
I mean look at yourself
on the inside

You’ll see it, that chain of light
all laced through you,
the one you fight for every day,
the one you live for

We are the miracle
and nothing stops us
from running through to claim it.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 30, 2017

Fighting Back

The smoke retreats slightly
and I lift my head, best as I can,
out of the morass

I summon the image
of prison walls. If, after all,
I can imagine standing my ground,
holding out for truth
despite all fierce displays —
if I can affirm that nothing
can remove me from
the atmosphere of Spirit,
then why not here?

What knots of thought convince me
that I should go under,
that I should suffer
until the smoke disperses?
What virtue would it give me
to die from missing
the kiss of fresh air through my being?

No. I’ll fight back.
I’ll stand strong
in the atmosphere of goodness,
I’ll be a place of purity and peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 4, 2017

Standing With You

early morning west field

You don’t need me to be with your fear,
you need me to go with you to where
you have never been afraid,
where you are so sure
of your place among
the forces that move everything,
where you own the free walking
down the winds along the high hills,
and the swift soaring
between craggy canyon walls
and the profound stillness
of the center point
from which you know how you will move

I hear the raw keening
in your cry of fear,
but through the static
I also hear your clear tone.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 8, 2016