
Our enslavement lifts like fog.
Our freedom begins to shine
like fresh-washed air —
Though there may be
many layers till we walk
fully unencumbered,
till we fly
in the manner we’ve always desired,
every little liberation
makes us stand taller,
lets us breathe deeper,
gives us the grace
to love each other
with more generosity and kindness,
shows us that we all are moving
through the same layers of clearing,
our eyelids tingling with the dew of heaven.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 20, 2019

Recurring Lesson

Back to the loop again
of learning
not to be afraid —
it’s not that difficult,
though it may seem so
in the echo chamber
of my benighted mind

I free myself from there
by tracing, in my thought,
the circle that enfolds us all,
that leaves out nothing,
so everyone, and every cause,
surrenders to the fact of being loved.
And in the all embracing love,
there is no fear.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 30, 2019

Traveling Smiles

The flight is full. I fill my soul
with comfort of humanity.
Some smiles are used to sell things,
but the ones caught here,
in the lines, the waiting,
the shifting into place —
these are free,
they sparkle three dimensions,
they reach deep

We can be herded and jostled,
scanned and screened and patted down,
but when we can smile to each other,
we keep our liberty.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 29, 2019

I take my shoes off

Once again, I settle in to Soul,
the home that dwells in every moment
waiting to support, affirm,
waiting to release me

I take my shoes off.
I breathe deep. No longer
out of breath from sweating,
I can find the rhythm
of the full cycle. No longer pinned
under conflicting propositions,
I feel myself float. I let myself expand

It’s so freeing to remember
I am not enslaved. I owe no consequence,
have no indebtedness,
no fear, no shame —
my life is here in Soul,
and Soul knows my name.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28, 2019

Day of Freedom

And now I’ll tell you of the time
when we all took off our crooked glasses
and shook our heads to focus our surprise
and spent some puzzled moments
trying to readjust our eyes
but then admitted
that here and now, as never
in our prior experience,
we could see

— because no longer did we need to fear
what someone else might think of us,
no longer did we need to squint
to weigh each other in the scales,
no longer did we think that judging others
was something we or anyone
was tasked to do

So we were free —
free to move with all the strength
and competence, and sweet compassion
that we always dreamed comprised our being,
free to love, with no fear of rejection,
free to trust our clarity of seeing.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 21, 2019


Turns out, it seems,
I’m not afraid of death.

It is a subtle thing,
the lack of terror — no struggling up
of something held at bay,
no frantic pushing back
against the upflow,
no fear-frayed patches present in my prayer

A thing to only notice in thunderstorms
(bike tires plowing through the water,
lightening flashing, touching down ahead)
or in an airplane, when they talk about the life vests,
or other times I haven’t yet observed

Not that I have a death wish, either —
I’d rather have my life be affirmation
that Life is here, and kind,
I’d rather be here for the folks that count on me
but being unafraid —
that’s something I don’t mind.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 26, 2019

The Taste of Freedom

At a certain point
I started wanting
that texture, that color,
that I couldn’t name
but still could feel and see,
still could taste

(at the back of my tongue,
the place before the swallow,
the place of longing
and satisfaction)

(the color of water
when you drink it,
the clear and the shine of it
as it goes down)

And the longing settled
in between my toes,
urging my feet to find
the steps ahead

Time to move out of the narrow place,
time for a new yoke —
the yoke of freedom itself
with the consummate attention it requires
to keep myself
within the present dewdrop of its taste.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 22, 2019

A Lightening

I sense now, in many,
a learning to yearn
for a freedom of being
that lives beyond fear,
leaning into their hope
and their imagination
for the wide open space
where their essence
is unassailable,
thus lightening the field,
allowing room, here, for more people,
if not in the certainty of believing,
still in the place of admitting:
this is something that I want,
this is something that I am.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 8, 2019

Another River

Consider the river of what you want,
how it flows strong and true
beneath the surface thoughts
of what you think you have
and think that you deserve
and what you think is possible
and what you think has happened

We all share that same river,
and if we can find our way
to the connection, perhaps
we’ll help each other overcome
the floes, the snags, the brambles
that catch us up. Perhaps
we’ll help each other break through
and float free.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 2, 2019