
As my tone of thought grows firmer,
the dispiriting voices
with their barbed and stinging filaments
are exposed  –
there is less space for them to hide in semi-consciousness  –
they can no longer pose as part of me

No strings that could be pulled by foreign agents,
no voices that result in giving up,
no inclination to conceal a faulty motivation
will get to be presented as my thought

They are squeezed out
and I become more vigilant,
learning myself in the new strength that stays.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 26, 2023

Proof of God

You may be sovereign
but you are not alone

This is the miracle of it –
how you’re equipped to love

Which shows there is relationship,
and in the spark connecting us,
there is the joy that makes us want to be,
there is the joy that makes us multiply

It’s simple, really –
follow your desire back –
you’ll see that you’re not meant to be alone,
and also that you’re not.
Companionship reveals the fact of God.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 9, 2022

Your place

Back up, back up, pull your hand
out of the puppet, pull your voice
out of the dream. Stand up
and shake out your mane. Stand straight
and assume your actual character.
You can walk free of the whole set.

You are not bound by any script.
Your  scenery is here – so much vaster
than the theater. You can walk out
into the wild wind. You can laugh
with the whistling trees. You can
let your heart be filled
with the power of your truth.
More than magical, it holds you steady
in the awe-filled unfolding essence,
harmony, and your place in it,
life, and your reason for it,
Love, and its touch in all that you are.
You, now being known.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 19, 2022


Before we’re even ready
to fully own our nature,
stride the acceleration
of swift unfolding purpose

We still can feel our nature
enlighten daily moments,
fill them with sweetness,
let us knit together easy
with those we have been given to collaborate,
co-exult, co-inspire, communicate,
leave us sound and light bathing
in the clear reverberation
of all that we have seen, and been, today.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 1, 2022

You, sovereign

Beware the misdirection
of those who serve the beast –
they put forth expectations
in a voice that makes you think
they are your own. They would have you
assume you want the things
they say you want, and fear
the things they say you need to fear,
and be compelled to follow
the story arc that they inculcate
to you and all the others in their thrall

You don’t owe them anything!
You are the sovereign expression
of divinity. The logic of your being
asserts itself through all of you.
It holds the whole direction
for your life,
and you can follow it
in awed discovery
of all the joyful wonder that is you.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 14, 2022

As you are

Look – I know you grew up
being pushed around  – we all did –
I know you grew up being showed
there was no place for you, unless
you chose your side,
made your allegiance,
and did what you were told
would gain approval

It was like that for us all,
but listen  – remember how
a voice inside protested?
Remember how you knew that somehow
none of this was fair?

Maybe we all do. And maybe
we can save us all if we will notice:
We weren’t designed to be pushed.
We weren’t made to be molded.
The logic of ourselves
comes from the cherished center
where every molecule is given room
to frame the dance and dance it,
to grow up being exactly what it is,
and not be used as pawn or conduit

And you are not a route to someone else’s
distant destination –
you are the place to be.
Right here.
Just as you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 9, 2021


If we understood our power,
every one of us,
we’d know that all of us are rich
and any one of us
can bring in the divinity of peace
the game-arresting concord of divinity

If we understood our power,
we’d know that none of us
can be impoverished,
for nothing can be taken
from our wholeness,
and nothing can deprive us
of our sovereignty

If we understood our power,
life would flow abundantly
at our hands, lush gardens
would spring forth
and be inhabited,
and every living thing we thought was lost
will find its way back
to flourish and bask in our grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 24,  2021


I’m not afraid of end days,
because I’m learning
that succumbing to the story
would entail an abdication
that I will not do

I will not allow time
to roll like a wheel,
I will not assume that anything
just happens

I am learning sovereignty
over what moves in thought,
I am learning
what doesn’t more in thought
doesn’t move at all

I will stand strong
in my place with what’s unfolding,
my steps on earth continually
approaching heaven.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 31, 2021

Try This

Try this out, just for a moment –
being satisfied with what you are –
not in contrast to any others,
not in reference to a former self

Inhabit this – and not as an exception –
Have reference only to your present self –
What you are is just what feeds this moment
with the delight that glints through all its folds

This is enough! In fact, it’s overflowing –
Let its lightness billow through your form,
let it lift you up and take you flying –
you can come back down
any time you want.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 15, 2020