State of the World

The dream state of the world
convulses, rolls in chains,
roars in pain at their constraining,
rumbles and crashes, trying to rise

Its ripples murmur
through every earthbound life,
and each one feels it –
a nagging from afar,
a rage within

The beast in each
has been, thus far, contained
by shunting off to frame another’s blame,
where, in our ignorance,
or by some monstrous plan,
it will explode to burn
in someone else’s land

So it will be, until we learn the name
of that which sparks us all, so we can claim
the gentle power
that gives us each release,
resets the primal hour
and soothes the beast.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 8,  2021

Truth winning

To take a side
against systemic lies
has never seemed to be enough to end them –
it’s too easy
to flip the story,
to set aside or demonize
you and all your earnest rage for truth

To win against systemic lies,
a greater act is called for  –
an offering of all I am
to find the portal
where I can see truth seep
into every consciousness,
where I can see truth win
because only truth endures,
to let the winning be not mine
but everyone’s,
as truth’s bright forge
sends the pure mettle
flowing into every heart.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 27, 2021

January 20, 2021

In the breathing of this nation
we can feel
deep desire
for reconciliation,
to be healed –
not that wrongs be covered  –
that they be revealed
so we can end our unmoored
drifting through illusions

Let us wash the disfiguring ignorance
from our hands, from our faces,
and be weaned from our dependency
on things that curate chasms.
We have sinned, yes, we have sinned,
but let it not be hidden from us –
we, too, can find within,
the strength to rise
with a refusal to be herded,
to be lied to,
to be deceived because it’s easy

Even when it’s hard,
the truth is cleaner and more bracing,
more health giving than what we have been fed.
Today we stand together
in the willingness
to live inclusive unity instead.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 20, 2021

No Pundit

I will not talk about
things that are not mine –
what I have not proven
will stand out like sticks
that pontifications
can never clothe

I’ll let the colors fall
and let the branches
speak for themselves –
these things I think I ought to know
but don’t
still stand out clear
and I will see them
as I keep seeking.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 5, 2020

A Word for Tomorrow

Do not be dismayed
at the insanity you see —
the flagrant lies, the bland
denial of what’s known to be

This whole charade
with its elaborate displays
can only lope so far
before it topples

Do not be afraid,
for underneath the bald parade,
Life’s engine hums,
and in the end, life moves itself
the way life wants to go,
and as you nurture it,
it will bloom huge —
there is no lie it will not overthrow.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 4, 2020

State of the Union

I have no skills
to bring to the table

I have no table
to bring anything to

I didn’t learn
in all my years
to make connections
that could pull any strings

And yet I’m pulling
with any breath I can align,
with any thoughts that I can think,
to reinforce the patterns
I hope to see emerge

I’ll pray for justice,
I’ll pray to see integrity
rise up in people
who were self serving
up till now

I’ll pray we all will see each other
by our lights and not our flaws
and see a way for true direction
for our land.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 21, 2020


I’m amazed
at the stillness
of that which refuses to argue,
refuses to engage
with any of the hooks,
which, in fact, offers
a reality that counters
even all the stridently opposing views

It silences them utterly,
presenting, as it does,
a mode of being that precludes
any of the self-promoting sides.

The arguments of
everything that’s wrong
have nothing more to say
before the simple presence
of what’s right.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 1, 2019


We thrashed through the question
of changing someone’s mind,
we circled through the arguments
and came out where we started
(or a little bit behind)

There’s the problem of perspective
and the greater challenge: what stance
will my stance invoke?
How can this structure do anything
but drill down deeper
in its own opinion?

Can’t win by trying.
Can’t win by not doing anything.
We need a larger lever
or a better place to stand.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 5, 2018

Memorial Day

But if we were a peace-based society
we wouldn’t pause to honor
“fallen men and women in
the service of our country.”

We might mourn and remember
the monstrosity of war
and how it drew us into acts
we never could atone,
which only the most rigid of story lines
could grant some space to live in
(since we couldn’t live
with the bitter truth
that all war is vain)

If we were peace-based
we would honor
the courageous men and women
who stood up to the lie,
who wouldn’t buy
divisiveness of sides,
who refused to fall from love
into something partial,
who held the line of peace
till it was real.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 29, 2017


Black lives matter,
and fair contribution matters,
and mending and cleaning and sorting matter

And underneath all the matter
is the current of Spirit
that doesn’t even need to get involved
in all that tortuous stitching,
full, as it is, of its own surging intricacy,
its fractally multiplying joy,
its amnesty for all.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 15, 2017

photo by Edward Mulhern