
If we understood our power,
every one of us,
we’d know that all of us are rich
and any one of us
can bring in the divinity of peace
the game-arresting concord of divinity

If we understood our power,
we’d know that none of us
can be impoverished,
for nothing can be taken
from our wholeness,
and nothing can deprive us
of our sovereignty

If we understood our power,
life would flow abundantly
at our hands, lush gardens
would spring forth
and be inhabited,
and every living thing we thought was lost
will find its way back
to flourish and bask in our grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 24,  2021


In the most intimate place
where all the entrances are so small
most sensors don’t pick them up

In the most secret place
which you have fiercely guarded,
sensing the precious essence
that lies within…

If you touch that smallest place
you tap your power,
for concentrated there
you find infinity

And what is infinite
will always well up,
an eternal spring –
and therefore always pure

You will never fear,
once you have understood
what dwells most small, 
most intimate, within.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 6, 2021

Naming Names

In the fast rolling world
where names are hidden,
since calling things by name
lets you control them,
there is one name
that doesn’t try to hide,
since naming it
invokes its power,
which overcomes everything,
anything that would oppose it –
makes it forget why
it would ever want to –
commands a willing surrender
of all contrary schemes,
since everything desires
to be one
with the One.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 9, 2020

Holding the Line

Not waiting for something to happen,
not holding my breath to see
how the winds will blow,
how the fire will spread

Any one of us, right now
(and that means me)
has the power to stop
the spread of fear, of fire,
of inflammation
not by saying nevermind,
at least we’re safe,
but by knowing that the safety
of every one of us is in our essence,
the will to live that powers
every aspect of our being

That will commands winds and waves,
and it can say let’s unite,
and it can say here is the wise move
in this moment
and it can say together, we are victorious,
and it can say peace, be still.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 9, 2020


I spent almost a week
like one of those yard ornaments
with no air blowing through it —
flat on the ground, an odd distortion
to its shape

Today I switched the air back on,
sat up, stood, walked with power,
owned my state

…in which condition
I felt much clearer,
less cold, stronger, and able
to face the day and do what’s needed

It’s good to remember
I have this choice —
it’s not my air
but I can turn it on.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 30, 2019

Life Power

In the dream, the little girl
pulled the shining life jewels
right out of the air,
and when others scrambled for them,
reaching out in desperation
for the ones that pulsed with power,
she seemed surprised. “It’s right here,”
she said. She opened up her hand
and pulled out more

On waking, and in latter days,
I find that what she said is true —
It’s right here — infinity of life power
waiting to be pulled out from the air,
waiting to be lived.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 18, 2019

The Power Within

The power within
doesn’t need instruction
any more than water does,
welling up and lifting
whatever rides upon it,
flowing out and gathering,
tumbling brightly down

The power within
is not obstructed
by any circumstance or story —
it rises up
and becomes what you are knowing,
it cascades forth,
becoming what you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 5, 2019

photo by Audrey Ruhland


(on biking before the storm)

Storm was predicted
and after the bright morning
it started to roll in

It is said that a wind passed through the mountains,
breaking the rocks in pieces
but the power was not in the wind
nor was the consequence
and there was a vast stillness
in the recognition
that none of that violence
could do anything
in the face of Truth

The snow was more benign than rain —
not wet enough to bother,
hardly visible, but finding its way,
sometimes, into my mouth
as I rode and considered
what it must mean
that the wind and the earthquake and the fire,
though they did break the mountains,
couldn’t do anything.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 19, 2019

There is a Calm

There is a calm
that stands against the flurry
of all the thoughts about what must be done,
there is a current underneath the worry —
it bears you down in silent swiftness
all along your truth —
a stream to drink from
and fill with gracious power,
a stream to cleanse away
the images of lack,
there is a calm
that you can find and hold inside you
as you go out
and come, triumphant, back.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 4, 2018


This concentration of power
allows no excuses.
There is no weak spot in the field
where the potency could leak out,
could run away

There is no voice against it,
no answer to it.

We are hushed, aware
that nothing makes sense,
nothing gets a hearing
outside of this truth,
in the face of which
we lay our weapons
and our burdens down.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 15, 2018